Our opening times are 8.00am until 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.
School opening hours
Hill View Primary School operates a 32.5 hour school week for all pupils Reception - Year 6.
The school day begins at 8.40am and ends at 3.05pm (3pm for Reception)
There are 197 school days per year, with two sessions per day.
Executive Principal - Mrs Claire Ferens
Head of School - Mrs Rebecca Rorich
Chair of Governors - Mr Alex Pearson
Assistant Headteacher, Inclusion Lead and SENCO - Ms Emma Jeavons
Welfare Officers - Rachel Ealey-Bennett & Sally Moore via 07825 500 293 or on the number above.
The first point of contact is via the school office to Mrs Hobson (School Administrator), Mrs Preest (Attendance Officer), Miss Wakefield (Business Support Administrator) and Mrs Gregory (School Business Manager) on the number/email above who will direct you to the appropriate person/department. If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors or any other staff member at school please email office@hillview-school.co.uk.
If you require copies of any of the information contained on our website, please contact the school office on the number above.