Subject Implementation
Our balance of individual, team, cooperative, competitive, and creative activities caters for individual pupils needs and abilities. The PE scheme of work progressively builds key knowledge, skills, and techniques, which, combined with varied and flexible teaching styles provides stimulating, challenging and enjoyable learning opportunities for pupils. We base our learning on Complete PE. Complete PE has a clear pathway from FSR to year 6. In EYFS, the pupils learn basic fundamental movement skills. In Key Stage One the pupils develop their motor and fundamental movement skills ready for transition to Key Stage Two. They learn how to move in different ways, throw, catch and working as a team. In KS2, they use their previous knowledge and use the skills they've learnt and use them in a variety of sports. They also learn the rules, tactics, and strategies of a variety of sports and what skills are needed to perform well in them. During PE lessons, children will learn skills that will help them with everyday life, such as gratitude, respect, teamwork, communication, and problem solving, to name a few. Sport is a fantastic way not just to develop young people’s physical skills but to set them up with skills that will help them with their journey through life. All children receive two hours of physical education a week. These lessons are delivered either by the class teacher or a specialist PE coach. We have purchased the Complete PE programme of planning, which covers all of the lessons that are taught.