By the time they leave Hill View, children will be able to sing confidently and tunefully, taking on different parts in a song, such as a short solo or small group part, a simple harmony or signing in canon or round.
They will have an understanding of the key periods in the History of Western Music and knowledge of some of the great composers associated with each period. They will be able to confidently discuss their own and others’ music using accurate musical vocabulary, such as tempo, dynamics and timbre.
They will be able to identity notes on the stave, recognising the difference between notes on the lines and the spaces and will record their own simple melody using accurate notation. They will be able to identify different note values (semibreves, minims, crotchets and quavers) and explain how many of these they can use in a 4 beat bar.
They will be able to ‘read’ rhythmic patterns using rhythm language (ta, ti-ti, ta-a, ta-a- a-a) and will be able to perform these patterns using instruments and body percussion.
They will be able to work collaboratively and creatively with others to compose their own music and soundscapes, demonstrating knowledge of musical elements such as dynamics, tempo, timbre and structure.