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Click on the image to access the report in full.

The Inclusion and SENCO lead for our school is Mrs Emma Jeavons. If you have any queries about SEND provision in the school you can contact the SENCO by sending an email to the school office ( marked for her attention.


Welcoming children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability SEND at Hill View School


Our SEND Policy, Equality Policy, Accessibility Plan and other information regarding additional support within the school can be found on our school website.  These detail our intentions.  They are summarised here:

  • At Hill View School, we are very proud of our inclusive environment.  Our children, staff and whole school community value the individuality of our children and we are committed to giving every child the opportunity to achieve their potential.  We are aspirational and aim to be thorough and innovative in our provision for a wide range and levels of additional need. 
  • Our whole school culture sets purpose, direction and challenge that inspires members of staff, parents and the broader school community to work together to ensure the sustained progress and well-being of pupils with SEND.  We have high expectations and challenge in place for all pupils regardless of needs.
  • Robust monitoring gives an accurate picture of the pace and quality of progress for all SEND pupils. This includes attendance and exclusion information as well progress linked to outcomes for social and emotional development and preparation for adulthood.
  • The impact of interventions is routinely scrutinised to ensure resources available to the school are deployed effectively.
  • We provide children with social, emotional and mental health support in order to allow them to flourish both inside and outside of school.  In doing this, we hope to raise the aspirations and expectations of all pupils, especially those with SEND.
  • The SENCo, Headteacher and Governing Body are proactive in meeting duties in relation to equality and disability access.



The SEND Information Report sets out information about our processes for identifying and providing for children with SEND.  This document is updated annually and a reference copy is available from the school office.  It is large to download and print, so has been structured as a series of hyperlinked pages for your convenience.  This details our implementation.  It is summarised here:

  • Each child’s needs are considered when planning and teaching and a broad and balanced curriculum is provided for all. This is true for all children at Hill View School regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, background, attainment or Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).  Teachers at Hill View take account of individual’s needs and plan extra provision, where necessary, to support their learning.
  • School tracking and information sharing with parents and other key agencies enable SEND to be identified early.  Processes for identification ensure that reasonable adjustments and differentiation have already been made in daily teaching.
  • Evidence based approaches, interventions and resources in place to support progress and achievement across the four broad categories of need: cognition and learning needs (including dyslexia); communication and interaction needs (including language delays and autism); sensory and physical needs; social and emotional and mental health needs (including ADHD).
  • Ongoing CPD ensures that all staff have appropriate knowledge and skills to plan and scaffolded the curriculum. Specialist training gives teaching and support staff enhanced skills and expertise to deliver more tailored programmes of support for pupils with the greatest needs. 
  • SEND Plans updated termly with provision revised in light of pupil progress and impact of this support.



Our impact on SEND is best seen on a visit to Hill View – regardless of level and type of need, children with SEND are welcomed, included and hard to spot!  We are proud of our provision and the resulting progress, as well as our nurture of children who have a sense of belonging.   Our impact on SEND is summarised here:

  • Hill View School is a SEND-Friendly learning environment with thorough processes and procedures. 
  • Children with SEND feel welcome and included in class thanks to our reasonable adjustments.
  • Their individual needs are explored thoroughly and they have relevant provision.  Our provision is creative and based on nurture and relationships, so is linked to individual needs.
  • Parents are actively involved in all decision making, including determining whether SEND support is required.  Parents and children are invited to review SEND Plans termly. Their views and contributions welcomed and valued.
  • We have a strong partnership with outside agencies to inform developments to wider school SEND provision.
  • Our children with SEND make progress from their starting points – academically, personally, socially.




Oxfordshire Local Offer

The link below will take you to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Local Offer provided by Oxfordshire County Council.

This site contains details about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, how the local authority implement statutory practice and the support parents and schools can access regarding children with SEND.

If you have any questions or queries regarding Oxfordshire’s Local Offer, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to discuss this with you.

Local Offer Link

SEND Code of Practice

Below is a link to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years. This is a statutory code which explains duties of local authorities, health bodies, schools and colleges to provide for children with special educational needs and is published by the Department for Education.

If you have any questions or queries regarding how the Code of Practice is followed at Hill View, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to discuss this with you.


SEND Code of Practice

Support for Parents of SEND children

SENDIASS Oxfordshire is a service offering impartial information, advice and support to parents of children and young people with SEN and disabilities. You can get in touch via phone or email or by completing a form requesting support, which is available on their website.

For more information about how to contact SENDIASS please follow this link to their website.

Below is a link to a guide which outlines the work and support SENDIASS can provide:

A parents Guide to SENDIASS

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